Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm Pathetic!

I'm probably the world's worst blogger.

Thoughts on the season thus far:

Tony is awesome! He is proving all the naysayers wrong. I only hope his awesomeness carries over into the chase!

Junior, oh Junior. What the hell is going on with you? Switching out Tony Jr was a good move, I think, but things still aren't turning around. Where is the Junior of old? I'm beginning to wonder if you lost some of your heart when your daddy died. :( Come back to us Junior! We love you!

Kyle Busch - What a pathetic man-child. Trashing a guitar and claiming to want to give pieces to your crew. You've got enough money to buy each of them a replica of the damn thing! Get a life and grow up! I loved when Tony gave you a piece of your own medicine and put your ass in the wall at Daytona!

Well, as we wind down the "regular" season and prepare for the Chase, I must say the Top 12 is a little surprising, but not so much the Top 5. I mean, who seriously would have that JP Montoya would be in the Top 12 right now? And he's in a good spot too, he's not clutching at the bottom of the bracket. Ryan Newman is beginning to get his bearings back and we're seeing the old Newman of years past. I think the move to SHR has done him good.

So here comes Bristol, under the lights. One of the most sought after tickets on the circuit. I've been dying to go to this race for 10 years now, and guess where I'm headed Saturday! WOOHOO, here I come Thunder Valley! I can't wait to see racing under the lights. I hear it's amazing and a totally different experience than the Spring. I'm looking forward to the experience!

I'll see you under the lights Saturday night my friends!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Vegas Baby!

Again, not a whole lot to say this week, as we have been super busy around the house and we were out and about during most of the race on Sunday.

And Kyle Busch won, so who really cares! Ok, I know some people care, but I'm not one of them.

Looked like the Roush cars had some engine issues though, so hopefully that was a fluke and they'll be able to move on next week.

Poor Jeff Gordon (note sarcasm), missed pit road and ended up blowing a tire before he made it back around.

Like I said, I didn't catch much of the race. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things this week!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sorry for the lack of blogging Saturday. It was our son's 2nd birthday, so birthday stuff was a little more important than the race this week. We did have the race on though, and I'm so grateful that it finished under green even though they had showers off and one all evening.

Congratulations to Matt Kenseth for winning two in a row! May his streak of good luck continue!

Hopefully Dale Jr and his crew can get their kinks worked out soon and get back into the swing of things. I hate seeing him not do well this early on.

Kevin Harvick had his first DNF in a LONG time. I hope it was just a faulty engine part that can be identified and repaired so this doesn't happen again!

More later this week!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bristol Tickets

It is unprecedented, you can now buy tickets to Bristol outright. This NEVER happens, so it truly shows how bad the economy is.

So if you want tickets, go to today!

See you there! I'll be in Junior gear!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Matt Kenseth Wins

So they called it for rain. I think it stinks, but I checked the weather radar at and there is rain for the near future in Daytona.

So congratulations to Matt Kenseth on his Daytona 500 win. May it be a good start to his 2009 season.

We finally got to hear from Dale Jr. over his involvment with the big one. He says that he was just trying to save himself and recover from being almost pushed into the grass by Vickers. He said he wasn't trying to wreck anyone, but didn't feel sorry for Vickers, but he did feel bad for everyone else who was caught up in it.

So that's all for this week. See you next weekend!

Red Flag - Rain

The race is now halted for rain. Hopefully this storm will pass quickly and they can get the race back underway. I hate when they call races early for rain. It leaves it feeling unfinished.

The Big One

So, my man caused the big one, I have to admit it. It's right there for all to see. Do I think he did it intentionally, no. I think he was trying to follow the rules by coming back across the double yellow lines behind Vickers, and he was a little further up than he anticipated.

My husband disagrees though. He says that Jr. did it to get his lap back.

It seems the commentators seem to side with my husband. They say that he was letting off some of his frustration.

IMO, Junior knows what he's doing, and he knew that if he would send Vickers spinning it could cause trouble for him and many others. He's a good driver, he learned from the best. Sure, his dad bumped people a lot, but he learned to do it without wrecking them.

Now, for those involved in the wreck.

Brian Vickers
Robby Gordon
Kurt Busch
Kyle Bush
Denny Hamlin
Jamie McMurray
Carl Edwards
Jimmy Johnson
Scott Speed

Thank Goodness for TIVO

I am 15 minutes behind live time because my son has been wild and not wanting to let anyone sit still. I'm slowly catching up during commercials thanks to fast forward.

We are now officially 1/2 way through the race and they are saying the rain is coming. We're seeing the drivers race as though it's the last 10 laps of the race instead of the 1/2 way point.

At the rate we're going we'll see the big one happen sooner than later. These guys are relentless and they all want to win the biggest race of the year.

Joey Logano Wrecks

Daytona has not been nice to the up and coming 18 year old pheonom. Joey has crashed out in a frightening wreck on lap 80. Logano got loose after checking up when Scott Speed wiggled in front of him. He came down and he and Greg Biffle clipped fenders sending Logano spinning towards the infield wall. Luckily Daytona has now installed safer barriers along the inside walls, as Logano hit the inside wall head on. He walked away and is done for the day.

Daytona 500 - Let's go racing!

It is 3:35 p.m. EST and we're about to take the green flag for the start of the 51st Daytona 500. It looks to be an exciting race today and the weather may play a factor in the race. Let's hope it doesn't rain and we're able to get the whole race in without rain.

I will admit that I am a biased race fan. I like Chevy drivers and my top 3 guys are Dale Jr., Kevin Harvick, Tony Stewart. I would love to see any of those guys win today. But there are some other guys I'd be happy to see win too. It would be awesome to see Mark Martin win, as he's 0 for 24 in Daytona 500 races.

And we're green! Martin Truex Jr. is out to an early leade and it's clean racing through the first lap. We have 2 rookies in the race, Scott Speed and Joey Logano, can they handle the pressure of the race, only time will tell.

There is also a possible tire issue that was disscussed in pre-race, let's hope we don't have an fiasco like the Indy 500 last spring.

And here comes Kevin Harvick, up the middle out of nowhere. He's a man on a mission, as my husband just said. It's like he is channeling the spirit of the late Dale Earnhardt.

And we have our first caution on lap 7. Aric Almirola spun but was able to keep from taking anyone out, and everyone was able to avoid him as he came down the track.

I will try to post blogs throughout the race if my kids will allow it!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gatorade Duals

Sorry for the lack of posting about the duals. We were out of power from Wed. until today due to some severe weather that hit our area Wednesday evening.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bud Shootout

The Bud Shootout was a great start to the new season. While I don't agree with the new format of allowing the top 7 teams from each manufacturer to compete in the race this year, I do understand why they did it. When they made the decision to take testing away from the teams, they had to do something to allow all of the teams equal opportunity to get on the track and learn some stuff.

However, I do NOT like it. The Bud Shootout has always been a race for those who earned the right to be there. The drivers that made that race had proved something during the season, they proved that they could put themselves on the front row to start a race, that they were good enough for that starting spot. Now I don't really know what the Bud Shootout is all about, it's almost like it's become a second all-star race, with some not-so-all-stars in it.

Let's look at what happened. 5 laps into the race two wanna be's (Joey Logano & Scott Speed) and a has been (Robby Gordon) got into a wreck. Luckily they didn't take out any of the big guns. All three of those guys should have been sitting on the sidelines watching, they had no business being in those cars Saturday night. Granted they didn't start the wreck, but it could have been a lot worse.

Greg Biffle, wow, I really like the guy, but he's got to get over this wrecking issue. That guy wrecked more times in the Shootout than should be allowed! Not sure if his car was just that loose, or if someone kept knocking him around, but good grief!

Ryan Newman, now here's a guy I truly felt sorry for. This guy used to dominate qualifying. He used to make the others cringe when he took off on his first lap, yet he was benched on Saturday night. Why? Just because he switched teams. I don't think that's right. That man hasn't missed a Bud Shootout since he started racing with the elite. Could someone please explain this to me?

Tony Stewart, people wanted to write him off as done after his decision to leave Joe Gibbs, the #20, Zippy and the Home Depot to become part owner in the newly formed Stewart-Haas Racing. I said give him a chance. He clearly hated driving Toyota last year and it showed on the track. He didn't have a stellar year and he voiced his opinion about the equipment. Now he's back in his beloved Chevy's and I believe all is well in Stewart's world, and it showed Saturday night. He finished 3rd in the race in a brand new car with a brand new team that's had less than a year to pull itself together. This shows that an owner/driver can do it, and do it well (take notes Robby Gordon!). Good luck to Tony in the 2009 season!

It was an exciting event with 14 different leaders, 23 lead changes and 8 cautions (the most ever for a Shootout). I'm a hard core Chevy support, as well as an Richard Childress Racing die hard, so I was thrilled when Happy Harvick pulled off the victory out of nowhere. My husband was having a hard time getting our two year old in bed because I got so excited those last few laps of the race. It was an awesome finish. Though my other main man, Dale Jr. was taken out in an unfortunate incident when his former DEI teammate got loose and took him out in the final laps of the race. Dale Jr. had run an awesome race and had led a few times. He just got sucked back by the draft at the wrong time.

With all that said, it's going to be a great season with many drivers to watch this year. Here's a few to keep an eye on:

Joey Logano - Can the rookie fill the giant shoes of Tony Stewart in the 20? He's got a great team behind him, so it could be interesting.
Mark Martin - Having renounced his retirement, he's now running full time in the Hendrick stable. Can old school and new school converge and dominate?
Tony Stewart - Can he disprove the myth that owner/drivers cannot do it all? He seems to be on the right track!
Dale Jr. - He had a good first season with Hendrick, can he improve on last year and make a true title chase?
Jimmy Johnson - Let me be frank, I'm NOT a fan, but could he be the first driver ever to win 4 in a row?
Earnhardt Ganassi Racing - With the unlikely merger of DEI and Ganassi, this could either be the biggest disaster or a Cinderella story. Personally I think Teresa Earnhardt has made some big mistakes, but I do not want to see the legacy Dale Earnhardt founded crumble to pieces just 8 short years after his death.

Welcome Race Fans

Let me introduce myself. I'm Amber and I'm just a simple person from a small town in Kentucky. I love NASCAR and started watching it in high school with my family. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I really got hooked on it and I watch it faithfully from February to November. I prefer the Sprint Cup Series out of the three top NASCAR industries. Though I do watch the Nationwide series as much as possible.

Now that the season is officially underway I decided to start a blog about the happenings of the 2009 season. I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting year, given all the team changes that happened in 2008.

So in the words of Darrell Waltrip, "Boogity, Boogity, Boogity! Let's go racing boys!"